This one was much different. Everyone was healthy and well behaved and we just had the best day. We spent the morning at the beach and took our annual "I love..." pics:
Try #1:
We gave up with wild man Carrig and just did a mommy/Decky pic for GiGi:
Then some nice people came over and asked if we ALL wanted to be in the pic so we snapped some quick ones:
Then we just played and swam. We went to a little joint near our house for lunch then everyone came back and took naps. Long naps.
Then our good friends Jen, Josh, Blake and Lilly came over and we just grilled out and hung out for the night. The boys ran wild and I got some my baby fix with the beautiful little Lilly girl. Nothing fancy, just lots of really good family and friend time. Couldn't have asked for anything more for this mama. Thanks to my boys for making it so wonderful................