C and D

C and D

Friday, May 31, 2013

For Pop Pop

I went to Wake and love/loved it so so so much. I don't think there's a better school on earth.

Paul worked at Duke and sort of (very much so) idolizes everyone/everything about the place. (bleh)

My parents and two of my brothers went/are going to Carolina but more than anyone, my dad, bleeds Carolina blue.

Little Carrig James is living up to his Pop Pop's legacy and is quite the little Carolina baby. As much as I love Wake and as much as Paul loves Duke, the kid just looks like he belongs in Chapel HIll. I think its his eyes......they are the perfect match to all of his shirts :) That, or his long shaggy hair. Either way, I want to document just in case we do have a little Tarheel on our hands and we can break these out before he ventures up there for college :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My boys

There are times when I take a picture and I get this eery feeling that I have the exact same one of Declan and I totally remember taking it.

I went back into the archives and here they are. Exact same age, ridiculous baby blues, full pouty lips, sweet little noses, hot and sweaty from the almost summer mugginess that we are rocking in SC. 

Genetics are for real.
Love them so................


Before I forget this I want to get it out.

Declan LOVES music. Just like his mommy. One of his (and my) favorite things to do right now is cuddle up on the couch together and go thru my iPod. We will go from one song to the next, listening and every.single.time he asks me "i don't know this about mommy????" and he wants me to tell him a story :) i try to not dumb it down, although i'm sure for the most part he's like ok ok ok suuuuuureeee next song!

But seriously, we sit there, he changes the song, we talk about what the girl or guy is singing about and then we cuddle and listen until the next one. To say I love this time with him is a monster understatement.

We were driving in the car today and a Pink song came on. I'm sure y'all have heard it, the radios play it every hour I swear..."Just give me a reason" and Declan's all "Oh mommy its our song!!!" It is not our song, we just hear it 843 times a day.

He knows what its about and he said "oh mommy, this song about breaking your heart......" and got a sad face and when he said "breaking your heart" all of a sudden my eyes started watering and I got that tingle/burn in my nose, ya know the one right before you start to cry but you're trying to hold it back...

Oh my word.......I have no idea, I think it was just hearing my sweet little innocent boy talking about having a broken heart that killed mine.

These days bring their own type of "hard" but I know its really nothing compared to how it will be when the boys are older and off out of my control 24 hrs a day, making their own friends, making their own decisions, giving their heart away to people who will no doubt, intentionally or unintentionally (I will hurt all of them btw), break their hearts...............

There is nothing. Repeat, nothing, that makes me more ill than seeing my child struggle or hurt. And they haven't really faced that much yet...so far they are pretty cool, cute little dudes, but I know its coming, and I am already praying for the strength to just let it happen because that is how they will learn. But oh..............

Break my heart.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


We have been a couple times to Brookgreen Gardens this Spring and as always, its such a good time. Its so beautiful and just perfect for the kids to run around and look at the animals and then go play in the  trees and flowers etc etc etc. There's this yummy little restaurant right among these gorgeous huge azaleas and every time we go the kids just play and play in them and I get the best pictures. Moments I am so glad to have captured.....

I love these two together. They are just so sweet and happy and innocent and just the cutest. love love love loveeeeeeeee..........

Guys! Wait up!!!

Carrig loves to kiss. Everyone but mommy or daddy. 

A few weeks ago we got to take my mom and it was so fun because she had never been, only heard me talk about it 832 times. She LOVED it. I loved watching her take it all in, its so her type of place and I'm glad we got to take it all in with her. Always a good time at the Brookgreen!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mother's Day!

We had such a great Mother's Day. We were thinking about last year and how different it was.....Carrig was a little bitty baby who hadn't yet gotten on board with mommy's sleep training and literally wouldn't go for more than like 20 minutes at a pop and Declan was sick and awful. That day was horrible......I remember it so well and I remember Paul and I laughing at the end of it just being like sweet.....happy mother's day.

This one was much different. Everyone was healthy and well behaved and we just had the best day. We spent the morning at the beach and took our annual "I love..." pics:

Try #1:

We gave up with wild man Carrig and just did a mommy/Decky pic for GiGi:

Then some nice people came over and asked if we ALL wanted to be in the pic so we snapped some quick ones:

Then we just played and swam. We went to a little joint near our house for lunch then everyone came back and took naps. Long naps. 

Then our good friends Jen, Josh, Blake and Lilly came over and we just grilled out and hung out for the night. The boys ran wild and I got some my baby fix with the beautiful little Lilly girl. Nothing fancy, just lots of really good family and friend time. Couldn't have asked for anything more for this mama. Thanks to my boys for making it so wonderful................

Summa summa summa tiiiiime

Nana and Pop came up for a quick visit and we went back to the strawberry farm! Declan was so excited to have both his Nana and his bucket.

This kid was all too pleased to just sit and eat. And eat some more.

Another really good CSA veggie share! 

Sugar snaps for days. Still working on these guys....

A fun day at the beach with Nana and Pop!

GiGi and Uncle Boo Boo came out for a quick visit too so we went up to the pool one morning so Decky could get a swimming lesson from the pro!!

Friday afternoon we had a pool party for Declan and his class and it was SUCH a fun night. It was awesome to get to talk to other parents without a time limit and just watch the kids play and swim and swim and play. We all had a blast. So did the kiddies :) We got lucky with his school AND class.

My "special" helpers

Squash for days

Cukes about to pop

Freshly watered jalapenos. There are already about 38 on there. Salsa for the whole neighborhood.......

Baby cherry tomatoes and my baby trying to make a run at my basil. Stink pot.

Bike week. I have nothing else to say.

Memorial Day! We had a really nice time just hanging, swimming and grilling out with our neighbors. 

Cool dude with his cool shades

Good times!

We are off to a good start! So looking forward to the rest of summer!!!

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