You're a lucky little dude my friend because you had SUCH an awesome 2nd birthday party! GiGi came into town on Wednesday night to help me not only get ready for the baby but also helped me prep for your party and boyyyyy did she do a killer job!!!! Thursday we dropped you off at school and then went to WORK! We ran to a number of different stores and got the rest of our arts and crafts/goodies that we needed and then basically until Saturday morning around 10:29am we (and when I say "we" I mean "GiGi") were working to make your party awesome.
I would say the coolest part were the Elmo cupcakes that she made. I'm still eating them by the way. You, are not allowed. Mommy however is 38 weeks pregnant and can be a big fat pig if she wants ;) OK? OK!
We also put out all your trucks and balls, had your play set ready to roll, GiGi made tons of homemade pizza dough for the kiddies to make their own pizzas and you guys were pretty much set. You played for a solid 3 hours with some eating mixed somewhere in there and not one of you fellas had a meltdown. It was a 2 year old birthday party miracle!!!!!!
You had so many people there that love you, Decky - we had your buddies, Carl, Levi and Sawyer come with their families. Chris came after he ran practice for daddy. Nana, Pop, Aunt Nancy, Matthew and TJ drove up from Georgia to be here. GiGi, Pop Pop and Uncle Kenan were here too to round out the most awesome group ever. Again, you are a lucky little fella. I can say with a large amount of certainty that I've never had that many people at one of my birthday parties - and I have had a lot longer on this earth to impact people - so kudos to you son. You've made quite the impression in your short two years :) Here are some pics from the big day!
I love you so so so incredibly much my little love. "I love you to pieces" is what I find myself saying these days. And I do. Thank you for the past two years sweet baby. Can't wait for so many more......