Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Thursday, February 2, 2012
After a very hard last few years, my grandpa, my dad's dad, Papaw, a true gentleman, a real American hero and absolutely amazing role model, passed away last Monday. We just got back from a wonderful family weekend celebrating his life in Charlotte and Lexington and while it is sad that he's gone, I know for an absolute fact that he is in SUCH a better place and like my dad says, this is the first time in so many years that he's walking upright, without any pain, and smiling down looking at his entire family.
While the process of losing a loved one is extremely painful, this particular instance has been so enlightening and I think has really brought our family together. Papaw was a very quiet man - the quiet, extremely strong type - and he wasn't much for talking. Kind of like my own father - they don't talk about feelings and don't just open up their life like a book and let you read. They make you work for it. But I've learned more about Papaw and in turn, my father and really our whole family thru this. And its been wonderful.
Paul always says how important it is to know where you come from and I'm so thankful that we got to see Papaw so many times over the past year - I'm glad that he opened up about his life, I'm glad my dad opened up about his dad and how they were raised, I could go on and on and on..........
Papaw lived a life that you can only hope for yourself, for your parents, for your kids, for their kids, etc etc etc. He LIVED. and he LOVED. and he left a massive legacy that Paul and I are so excited to pass on to Declan. Thank you Papaw, for setting the stage for what a hard working, honest, loyal family man looks like. We will all do our best to live up to the phenomenal example you set.
May you finally, rest in peace.