He really isn't a flower guy so those were a huge surprise but the best part was the brownies - duh!!!!!! The man knows the way to my heart :) that is for sure.
With everything going on in our lives right now it certainly would be easy to pass right over this day but Paul, thank you so much for taking the time for US. I love you more than anything on this earth - you are my heart, you are my home. I remember back to my first year in Colorado when I was in love with you/stalking you and you kept giving me the heisman and so many nights I would go to bed praying that one day you would feel the way about me that I did about you. I hoped, wished, prayed.....not sure it really would ever be real. But it is. My dream came true. My honest to goodness dream and as that country group "the band perry" sings - "I don't want the whole world, the sun, the moon and all their light. I just want to be the only girl you love all your life....."
Forever and ever. Amen :)
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