And he sits and really listens and works with her which is even better:

Then we went down to Conway and met Levi and sawyer at the park for a little playdate. And the boys were boys - they had the best time playing in this water fountain:

They splashed each other and thought it was the funniest thing for about 30 minutes straight.

Levi after the splash fest:

And then they threw rocks in the river for another 30 mins.

When it was time for lunch, all three boys threw nice fits because they didn't wanna leave so I ended up carrying a screaming Declan, and Norma and Gerry walked their crying boys to the cars. Too funny. Toddlers are awesomeeeeee.........
We finally made it to chick fil a where more playing ensued and decky decided to gallop around the entire restaurant. Did not get pictures but he sure made some people's days :)
It was a great morning/early afternoon - a busy one but decky had a blast which always makes my days better too...
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