So I kind of go back and forth on all this new asthma/allergy stuff. Some days I don't think twice and its totally no big deal and we just go on with life stress-free. Other days I worry very much about giving my little two year old a corticosteroid and Zyrtec every day. Indefinitely. I worry what that will do to his little system long term. I worry about what happens if and when he gets a little bit of wheat. Is that totally going to set him back? We do our best to avoid the foods he tested postive on but freaking A it is HARD, especially with a little one who loves him some food. Tonight, for example, he was at a cookout with the Coastal girls and had a smores. That's probably a huge no no but hell if we aren't going to let him have his first smores on a beatiful warm November night with all his girlfriends by the campfire. Just not gonna do it. I worry about all the cleaning supplies I use to keep the dust etc out of our house because he's allergic to it. But what are the dyes and perfumes and chemicals etc that are in the cleaning supplies doing to his system when he inhales all of that? I mean I could go on.....................
On that note though, I'm trying to find the good. I've done some research and have sent a few feelers out there to people who I think might be able to give me some good advice on "going green" when it comes to cleaning supplies. Pinterest has some good ideas too :) I'm about to go reaaaaaaaaal granola on Paul's @$$ over here and start making my own. I think at the end of the day, its probably better for all of us really. We don't need all those toxins in our house. They aren't good for Declan and they certainly aren't good for us. Ok so chalk that up in the good column.
The food issue. I am not in any way some health nut, personally, but with my kids I have been pretty strict with what they eat. That said, they (Decky mainly) eat crap every once in awhile and their daily meals aren't exactly the most well balanced. The whole wheat thing, while it has kind of thrown me for a loop, I think in the end is going to be really good for us. It is forcing us to fill our plates with wayyy more vegetables than we did before and on a whole its forcing me to buy less carbs and more whole foods. All of the processed foods out there have everything Declan is allergic too so I've been forced to go old school..............and cook :) I cook a lot already but this has taken it to another level. And again, I think that's good.
We are having to change a good portion of our lives over here and its a little overwhelming. Which is unfortunate because I overwhelm easily :) Trying to look for the good though is helping and that's really what I think this is. Good. And kind of hippy-ish. Too bad we aren't in Boulder anymore.....