I think yesterday was the best day thus far of Declan's life. He has been so insanely excited about Halloween for weeks now and every fracking day he has woken up in the am and from his nap asking if it was Halloween. And yesterday.............I finally got to say yes.
His school put on a pretty killer carnival so we went there in the morning, came back and ate lunch, took naps, then got up and got dressed to go trick or treating at Barefoot Landing (every store and restaurant owner dresses up and sits out in front of their shop and hands out candy - perfect idea esp for this age). The day included an immense amount of sweets, awesome friends, tons of dressing up, jump castles, riding horses, cool people in masks that scare most children but Decky thinks are hilarious, and parents who hardly said "no" all day. Seriously - the best day of his life.
Might have been one of my favorite days thus far too. There is something so amazing about watching your kid have fun. I got so much joy out of watching him that I can hardly put it into words without just sounding super cliche. But truly - it made me happy seeing him so happy. Declan, you are such a blast and you make our lives SO much cooler.
I didn't get too many pics at the carnival for obvious reasons but when Declan was contained I got to snap a few quick ones. He LOVES horses and LOVED riding them.
We ran into his buddy Blake so they rode a few times together:
And then they jumped in the jump houses and were total boys taking out the other's feet while they were in the air. They thought it was hilarious (and so did I) but eventually got in a little trouble...oops!
He got a candy apple and holy mackeral as happy as he was to eat that (and he was happy) its been a nightmare for me because he has thrown some AWESOME fits since when I tell him there is no more candy apple.............oddly enough mommy will not let him have candy apples for breakfast. or lunch. or dinner. or snacks. so stop asking, stink pot!
DWIGHT!!!!!!!!! I wanted to do something cheap (sorry bud) so we had to get a little creative and this came out perfectly. Glasses are a built in accessory and we had everything else already so we didn't have to purchase anything! Total hit and he was freaking hysterical.
We went to Barefoot with our friends, the Waters. Declan is obsessed with Kaylie and I'm equally obsessed. Love her and love their family.
No fear. Last year Decky was still a little young to get the whole trick or treating idea but this year it was on. He loved every second of it. He raced around and ran up to everybody yelling TRICK OR TREAAAT!!!!!!! It was awesome. So proud of him.
Carrig wasn't as sure about the whole situation...............but he pretty damn cute.
Miss Joy, a family friend of the Waters, joined us and the kids loved it. I don't know who had more fun honestly...
Saying goodbye. Little lovers.
Ended the night like this. In Carrig's stroller. REAL proud of himself and he probabbbbly shouldn't be.
Showing me his blue tongue. Far too much candy. Never again.
The aftermath has set in. Declan is still asking about Halloween every other second although now I have nothing to give him hope. "Halloween isn't for another year" doesn't sound as nice as "yeaaaa Halloween is tomorrow!!!" to a 2 yr old. I don't know why. And denying candy every ten minutes has set him back a few months in terms of our behavior when mommy says no....so that's cool! Looking forward to what happens with Christmas rolls around!!!!!! ;)