...a week late. But it was AWESOME!
We had such a great one....it always takes me awhile to get back in gear after family and friends are here. Mainly because I'm in a bit of a depression ;) I love having people here and hanging out, keeping the boys busy and happy.
On Friday, Nana and Pop came in with the twins and then Saturday Nancy and Scott drove in and everybody was here until Wednesday. The weather was not cooperating - pretty chilly and rainy - which was not exactly beach or playing outside weather which stunk but luckily there was a pool at their hotel so we were there quite a bit :) All the boys are water babies so it works out!

This pic of TJ kills me. My children would never, not in a million lifetimes, fall asleep like this. It's so crazy he will just sleep right thru total craziness. He was here for at least 2 hours. Go on buddy.

In the meantime the other three boys were maniacs then we finally put them in the bath:

C loves his Aunt nancy!

Monday we were all going to meet up and head to the mall for some Santa and jumphouse fun but Sunday night was unpleasant (to say the least) for Decky and I. I had it coming out one end, Decky the other.....TMI?!??!! Well either way, it was bad news but Aunt Nancy and Nana to the rescue, they came and got Carrig for me first thing in the morning and took him for the day so Decky and I could recover. In a week full of thankfulness flowing, I was verrrry thankful for the two of them that day. Carrig got some special cousin, Nana and auntie time which was really wonderful.
Then Wednesday the Hensons went home (boo) but Nana and Pop stayed to have Thanksgiving with us and after Decky's speech therapy I dropped him off for the day. To say he had a blast is an understatement. Declan does awesome with Carrig and for the most part he's adjusted to having a brother but I know he misses good quality alone time, so this was really great for him. He got to hang out with his Nana and Pop ALL BY HIMSELF, go swimming, walk on the beach, cuddle, read books, he even got to go to a special store and meet Santa...................all without a crazy little brother clammering for attention too. Thank you, Nana and Pop, for showing Decky some love...he loved it :)
Aunt Tracy came into town on Wednesday too with Chaco too and stayed until Saturday. We had soooo much fun with her here! Serious - I can't even believe our lives sometimes. She is the one I stayed with on my recruiting trip to Wake, basically the reason I went there, I pretty much lived at her house my sophomore year of college, we both moved to Colorado in '05 to coach, we both worked at CU with my husband :), we both now live in SC....its just funny how our lives mirror the others and I love it. She's a wonderful friend and super aunt to my little dudes!!!! Fun lady, I tell ya....

Declan desperately wanted Chaco to take a nap with him. Lasted a solid 7 minutes.

Thanksgiving was filled with an enormous amount of food and fun. I still feel foul from all the food I consumed. "Fried Food Friday" did not help but more on that later.....Food aside though, we had a great day and while Thursday was the day you're supposed to really reflect on all that you are thankful for, every day is that for us. Truly. I've said it before, we don't have a ton of STUFF, but we do have a ton of LOVE and for that I will never, not for one second, stop being grateful. Thursday was just a day to cook a lot of delicious, fatty foods :)
More of our week to come in the next post. This one is long enough. You're welcome.