Not really, but in so many ways it feels like my baby is leaving me and moving on. I mean, its just preschool, but WHAT THE SHJKLFJDSKLJLRE!!!
There's something very surreal about taking your child to his first "open house", "meet the teacher" day. Going to the store to pick up school supplies. Trying on different back packs to see which one he likes best ("Cars" won hands down). Popping the collar on his polo shirt so he's looking SHARP! Arriving at school to find all the moms and dads with their kids outside taking pictures like its their wedding day. Waiting in the carpool line!!!! of all things to pick him up after his first day. The CARPOOL LINE! That's only for moms in minivans!! Wait...I am a mom...........holy crap how did this happen. Reading thru the school calendar and syncing up our family calendar with all the "teacher workdays", the Christmas program (I can't tell you how excited I am to see Decky play the tree standing over baby Jesus in the manger.....), the Fall Festival, the "donuts with dad" day, all the other fun little activities that they have.....its just wild. He's in school. Full blown. They have two weeks off for Christmas, they end in May, they start in September. He's going Tuesday/Thursday from 9-12 and its going to be awesome. His teachers are absolutely wonderful, the other families seem super nice and he's got 5 other boys and 5 girls in his class to learn from, play with, and get in some trouble alongside :). Its gonna be good.....
I was looking thru some pictures of Declan from this exact date, two years ago and then last year. I just cannot begin to believe how old he is. Its really a good thing that I take pictures (obsessively) every day of these crazy boys..........ha!
Declan, I'm so proud of you. Beyond proud, really. You're becoming such a respectful little boy who brings so much joy everywhere you go. No one will ever love you or be as proud of you as I am. We've been best buddies since the day you were born and I'm so lucky that I get to watch you grow into this phenomenal young man. So lucky.
Prepare for picture overload because as usual, I cannot choose just one. Or four. Or eight....
I totally remember this photo shoot and sending the pics to my parents entitled "BFF". You're still my BFF, Decky :) Always and always......
I remember this too. You were being so silly and wouldn't smile like a normal person. You did that cheesy smile for i think almost a full year.....
You used to LOVE to stand on this table and dance. I probably should have said no at some point.....
You were showing me what my belly looked like :) HA! I had a big belly, yes I know. thanks dude.......
Somersaults on the driveway. Why wouldn't ya.
This past Tuesday morning was your open house. It was just an hour of a little meet and greet but was very nice and you did NOT want to leave all the cool cars and trucks they had. They have a sweet playground that you pitched a nice little fit walking past. It was fun. For no one.


First official day! You had a great day!!!! Or really all I know is that I didn't get a phone call so I think you had a great day :)
Look how much you've grown my little man! Love you so. Congrats on being so big!!
Now mommys gonna go cry just a little.....