So this kid is growing up far too quickly and it's starting to freak me out.
He loves yogurt. Like, kind of in an unhealthy way...but whatever, he loves yogurt and he loves it so much that he has figured out a way to leverage himself in such a way that he can open our fridge himself - this is quite a feat because that thing has a crazy strong suction on it - so he opens the fridge and climbs up to get the yogurt. Then he gets a spoon from the silverware drawer. Then he goes outside where he thinks I won't find him. Then he uses the the other side the spoon the pierce the top of the yogurt. The he turns the spoon over and digs in.
Crafty I tell ya. He doesn't even need mommy anymore :(
Now.........if Only he was so motivated to poop in the potty and wipe his own hiney!!!! ;)
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