We had tumblings tots this am at the library which is always a good time and then afterwards my sweet little boyfriend, Levi, invited decky and I to a hot date at chic-fil-a! Obviously we went :) Declan and Levi played on the playground while Norma and I chatted...

Declan, for his first real fast food experience, did so well and as stupid as it is I was really proud of him. He is coming out of a full week of being ill which also = picky eating but he loved him some chicken sandwich with Polynesian sauce and pickles :) just like mommy!
He was pooped when we for back so he took a really good nap which he hasn't done since he got sick. I did have to go in at one point after about two hours and hug him for a sec but tell him it's still time for night night (I love when he is still tired and super snuggly). So anyway, he slept until abou 4pm which was soo needed. We went outside, played with our neighbors, jill and randy, who are super southern, absolutely hilarious and I LOVE (decky loves their cat) for about an hour and then daddy came home and we grilled out!

Decky showing how insanely adorable (no bias here!) he is:
Paul gave him a quick bath and when he brought Declan out all soaking wet, wrapped in his towel and ALL smiles my heart just melted. He is so happy I can't stand it......
Today was just a good one - good eating, good playing, good sleeping, no tantrums, loads of hugs and kisses. I wish everyday was like today. But since it isnt :) today just reminds me what it's all about and to be thankful for when everything works. Some days as a mom are just really really hard - downright brutal, full of second guessing yourself, wondering why on earth you are the one tasked with raising this child. So days like today give you the boost right when you need it the most - and you see how happy, healthy, well adjusted etc your child is and you know you must be doing something right. Tomorrow will probably be a nightmare so right now I am going to sleep thinking about one of the best days we have had in a long time. Probably sounds like a very simple day to most but that's how I like it :)
Good. Night.