Some pics from Wednesday - his official 15 month old birthday :)
Handsome handsome baby boy helping mommy get her gardening tools ready.
total wackjob. His lunch was in that tupperware container and after he finished eating this is what he did..........................I really don't know what to think of him sometimes :)
So I know last time I wrote about Declan developmentally, we were in a funky stage - I am happy to say we are back in the super sweet, easy to put in his car seat, eat anything you put in front of him, smile at strangers, wave at passing cars, hugging mommy's legs and giving daddy lots of random kisses stage. And I LOVE IT :) I really am hesitant to write this because everytime we're in a good stage and I write about it, Declan plays a mean joke on me but it is what it is. When you say "no", he doesn't pitch a fit like he did a month ago........when he wants something that he can't have, its easy to distract, he willingly hangs out wiht people he doesn't know very well as opposed to pitching a serious fit and ONLY wanting to be with paul or i, he's napping a little bit better than a month ago, and I could go on and on and on....
Well little buddy, who knows where we will be next month but this one has been so fun. You get more active by the minute, more communicative, happier and much much much muchhhh cuter which I absolutely have no clue how that is possible but it is. You 15 month appt is at the end of this month so we will see what your stats guess is your weight will be off the charts you little linebacker!!!! :)