"You tried it, and you won't be going back - move on" - thank heavens for a rational mother :) She is very much like Paul - "it is what it is" and I needed that today (well yesterday now as I'm posting this a day late)!!!!
We went to this doctor that came pretty highly recommended for Declan's 15 month appt and it was nooooooooot ok! We got there early to give them all the correct paperwork etc because we were new patients and then we sat down in the waiting room - that has not A toy (isn't this a pediatrician's office???) or book or train to look at or TV or anything - luckily I had a few books so we read those, read them again, and then Declan wanted up :) Like a normal 15 month old.....so he ran around the waiting room for the next 45 minutes until finally we were called back. (btw I have never waited 45 mins at a drs office so I don't know if this is normal or what but we had a morning appt - hard to believe they were already that far behind in the morning ahhh) At that point he was pretty restless and getting a little ornery (I was way more restless and ornery however), they weighed him, measured him and then told us to sit in a chair in a hallway and wait for the dr to come get us. Oh sure ok......You want Declan to sit in a chair? In a hallway? After he's already been sitting/waiting for 45 mins? And its lunchtime? Get outta here with that.
So there we are, I'm trying to keep him from going into random drs offices and he's on the verge of a serious fit and I hear this kid coughing up a lung in the room I'm pretty sure we are about to go into. Awesome. And yes, the dr came out, the family came out, and we went in. They didn't clean it or anything after this sick child just spend 20 mins in there. Even more awesome. And there was gross hair all over the floor. Ugh, I was trying to not pitch a fit myself but seriously - foul. major foul.
Ever since I had Declan I've become a pretty big germaphobe - I am that girl who always uses sani-wipes on the cart at the grocery store before putting Declan in it, or at the restaurant I sanitize the highchair and table before he sits.......I don't know where it came from, usually I could care less but with him I am a little anal. So here we are, in a drs office where I would think they would definitely clean/sanitize after each person's been in a room but noooo, not this here office! And I was even more worked up because Declan is just coming off of being sick and the last thing I want is for him to get something else now.
Ok so the dr comes in, nice guy, doesn't speak English very well. Declan is way past annoyed right now so he's screaming - won't let the guy touch him - I'm trying to calm Declan/try to have a conversation with the dr who I cannot understand for the life of me but it was a total lost cause. A) the guy asked "how is he sleeping" "is he walking ok" and "does he say at least 6 words that YOU understand"? aaaaaand that was it. B) I like to talk and especially this being my 1st child I always have tons of questions and in the past at all our well visits, its nice, the dr sits there, Declan plays with whatever toy and we kind of just talk about where he should be, what he should be doing, what I can do to help him etc etc etc. NOTHING LIKE TODAY.
And to top it off - I don't know if the nurses in CO measured weird or the people here but apparently in 3 months Declan hasn't grown a millimeter - he did however somehow manage to gain 2.5lbs. Awesome. Today he was 28lbs 5oz, 29.75in long and his head was 19.25in. Cooooooooool beans. I have the shortest kid on the planet. I would like to have asked the doctor what on earth that's about but seeing as they didn't have the records we gave them a month ago, he didn't even know how much he weighed/how long he was (I had to ask him and he in turn went outside and asked the nurse) which means he definitely didn't know where on the little chart Declan fell etc etc etc. It just goes on and on. I did however get a nice handwritten post-it note of Declan's stats when I asked the nurse if she had a sheet or anything with them on it - and she looked at me all cock-eyed but wrote them on a post-it. That'll surely look good in his baby book.
It was a total shit-show and I feel like a real waste but my mom is right - it wasn't a waste - he got his shots which is very important, and I crossed a drs office off the list :) A good learning experience, as she put it. Which is true.
I am still so annoyed though - but hopefully after I hit "post" that'll be the end of it and we will start the pediatrician search over for little buddy. Thankfully he's been very very healthy and again, like my mom says, he is perfect, he is doing everything he should be doing and more, AND to top it off he already has his first recruiting tape out there (will blog that later) so I need to just settle my butt down. :)
A few pics of the boy today:
Getting ready to the head to the dr
LOVE LOVE LOVE. This is his new "mom, if you use the word 'outside' you better be prepared to take me in the next 5 seconds or I will sit here at the door and scream until you do" look - get it only every 3 mins that we are inside. No big deal.
We went on a run and this is what I got the whole time - his sweet face looking up at me like "when is this gonna be OVER?!?!?!?!" Trust me buddy, I was thinking the same thing.
This'll get him thru about 5 minutes :)