Saturday, it was finally time. And the way Declan had been talking about it and telling me all the things he was going to ask Santa for, you would have thought he would be a little more prepared...instead he was shell-shocked and a bit in awe:
He was like a shy little boy asking a girl out in fifth grade or something. Hardly looked at him but u (or at least I could) tell how excited he was on the inside.
And Carrig -

Well he was the staring contest winner. By a landslide. He was hilarious......suuuuuper enthralled.
Not scared in the slightest. Declan at that age screamed bloody murder.

We went with our friends and this is what Declan and Blake did the entire time they were waiting to be awkward with Santa:
They played pirates with their pretend swords and chased each other until Jen and I got too many looks from the other parents :) then we told them to stop being little boys and please come sit nicely at the table. Yea right.

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