C and D

C and D

Friday, December 14, 2012

"snug a bug....a rug"

Every time before Declan goes to sleep he likes for us to pull his blankey up really really tight around him and say "snug as a bug in a rug". But in his language, he forgets prepositions so he says "snug a bug a rug". But he always whispers the last part after taking a breath. Its the sweetest thing and at 11pm tonight, we heard it again.

I'm not sure what woke him up but he was just in his room yelling "mommmyyyyy" and after today's just absolutely horrific situation in Connecticut, both Paul and I went in. We snuggled him for a second and he closed his eyes and sunk down into his bed....clearly exhausted. With his eyes closed and his blankey up around him he whispered "snug a bug.................a rug". And it was so innocent that it made my heart skip a beat.

I can't help but think about the parents that aren't going to get to say that to their children tonight. Its something that quite frankly I rush and just "get thru" sometimes because master stall tactic extraordinaire tries to prolong his sleepy time...quite often. I'm not going to sit here and say "oh i will never ever ever take that time for granted again" because that's not true and even the dreamiest and most idealistic people are brought back down to earth every once in awhile by a 2 yr old so there will surely be times that I rush and just want to get him to bed.

But there will never be a day that doesn't end with Paul and I sitting back and talking about the funny things he did and said that day. There will never be a day that I don't sit on my iPhone and go thru the pictures I took just a few hours ago and smile.....almost wishing he was still awake so that I could squeeze him. There will never be a day that I don't Pinterest and google good crafty etc ideas for him for the next day so he doesn't go nuts. There will never be a day that I don't dream about what his future looks like. Who his friends will be, what he will be good at, what will be challenges for him, how big his thighs are going to be......anything. There will never be a day that I don't pray for him, and pray for the man that he will become one day.

At least I hope not. I beg God that there will not come a day that I don't do those things...because that is what the parents in Connecticut are going thru right this second and I just can't begin to imagine the pain. Right after my prayers for my boys tonight, will be prayers for them. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He saves those who are crushed in spirit". ~Psalm 34:18

I sure hope so.