So I have been working with Declan on "pretend" playing and it's sort of back firing. Ever since Halloween he has been into ghosts. At first he thought they were cool and funny. We did a craft with ghosts. He did something in school with them. They were in his favorite Winnie the Pooh Halloween book that we read 8 times a night. He saw a couple out trick or treating and thought they were super cool. But now he will let's say, every ten mins or so, all of a sudden scream "oh!!! Mommy!!! A ghost right there!" And point to.......nothing. And I have to pretend I'm super scared wherein he yells "oh!! Decky save mommy!" And he runs and tackles me/saves me. It's fun and cute at first but I told Paul last night I could full on be an actress at this point. I have the scared face down.
Now he's PETRIFIED of spiders. And he is convinced they are in his bed which is making nap and bedtime a massive pain in the hiney. The other afternoon he woke up screaming, scared to death and he jumped me the second i ran into his room and wouldn't let go. he was speaking nonsense i honestly thought maybe he was having a nightmare or something but no - he thought something was in his bed. That day it was lobsters. ?????
Tonight Paul told him he had sprayed spider spray allllllll over his bed and that worked I thought until I turned the light out and scream fest began.
He has my teddy bear that I slept with from 16 months old on in there and I told him (and I really and truly believe this) that teddy always protected me and now he will protect Declan. That seems to be working for right now but we will see what he comes up with tomorrow.
I wanted him to pretend to be Spider-Man or batman or something. Not imagine that spiders are waiting to eat him alive in bed! Weirdo!!
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