This is how we ended our night.
I'm not sure what I was expecting out of today but it certainly wasn't a super sick toddler and an infant who thinks naps are optional....nor was it a total blowout right before we put carrig down. It did make for an awesome laugh, one that both Paul and I desperately needed after today :) I was bent over hysterical laughing and trying to find my camera while Paul's screaming at me to get him off of him, thus the grenade comment. It was everywhere, all over his pants, the blanket, the pillows, carrig. Oh it was a good one.

So this mothers day was a little less than ideal but what can you do. It's real life.......Paul, decky, carrig and I are just doing our best to get by and today was a massive struggle so let's hope for a better one tomorrow. Anyway you slice it though, I love my boys and I'm so thankful for them....

Declan finally getting some rest.
Sweet baby.....he needs it so badly. love how he still sleeps in the fetal position........My love.
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