One of my best friends, Meagan, went down to Bald Head Island for the weekend with some of her family friends and they told her she could have some friends down if she wanted so she very generously asked us if we wanted to go. Paul was away recruiting so it was just the boys and i.......and as much as I would have loved to have spent the weekend down there I just couldn't see packing and trying to spend the night without Paul's help so we just went down for the day. Not sure that was the best move either but hey :)
We got up bright and early Sunday and headed for BHI.
Once we were out, we were out, and I was a little nervous about how the boys would do but they both really did amazing. For a 2 yr old and 3 month old :)
Decky was his usual super shy self and carrig was.....3 months old. He desperately needed a nap by the time we got there but we went straight out to the pool to start with so this is what we did for the first two hours:

Declan at my feet and carrig in and out nursing and sleeping. Awesome. Glad we traveled two hours for that buddies ;)
Luckily the day picked up and Declan finaaallllllyyyyy warmed up (that kid makes you work boy) and left my side to go play with meg and the kids. We ended up having an awesome time out at the beach, went to the market for some ice cream, went crab fishing, took the ferry back (after three failed attempts but that's another story for another day) and finally rolled in to the house about 11pm. Everyone more than exhausted but contented.
Im so glad we made it out and got to spend some time with meggie and she was a pretty phenomenal "aunt" to my boys. Carrig is in serious l-o-v-e with her oh my word. The smiles and the cuddles were pretty cool to see.....
Meg and I have walked thru so much of our lives together and it's very special to share this new piece of mine with her.

This is a disgusting picture of me but this is how Monday morning started.....carrig and mommy passed out from a very long night :)

As much as this is Carrigs happy place, it's kind of mine too....snuggling and sleeping with my little little buddy is pretty friggin sweet.
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