Hilarious. We live in a neighborhood where we are the youngest people by a good 30 years. Here are a few of our neighbors doing the elderly loop on their bikes! I kid, I kid. Sort of.
While we are for sure in the neighborhood of local retirees, they are SUPER nice, extremely helpful and quiet - which is awesome :) There's very little traffic so Declan runs everywhere, into the street on a second-ly basis. The lady next door is a retired nurse and into homeopathic medicine so when Declan fell on the concrete after trying to climb on his stroller, busting his face, she ran inside, broke out some all-natural cream and gave it to me to use the next few days on his face................I've known her a week at this point. Everyone is just very very nice and I think excited that there's a baby on the block :) He will be well-looked after, that's for sure.
Either way though, these guys cracked me up...........................oh how our life has changed in A minute.