C and D

C and D

Sunday, March 13, 2011

AWESOME afternoon.

One of the perks of being back East is the RIDICULOUS Spring weather that has already sprung..........yesterday was a good 65 degrees so little buddy played outside all morning - even helped Pop put some fertilizer down after daddy mowed the lawn, ate lunch, we had to wake him up after sleeping for 3.5 hrs (NEVER HAPPENS) and then we headed over to Coastal for some afternoon baseball. CCU was playing Notre Dame (we got there at the top of the 8th, thanks for sleeping so long buddy) and got to watch the last few innings - Coastal won!! Its pretty sweet to be able to just shoot down the road and watch college baseball on a Saturday afternoon - you can't do that at CU so I'll put that down in the positive column.
  Afterwards, the men's soccer team was having a little mini camp so we went over to the fields and played on the sidelines until the camp was over. I only had to grab Declan 84930 times after he ran onto the field when he shouldn't. Boy wants in!
There's no denying the bowlegged pigeon-toed boy in this pic!

Beautiful. Daddy and Declan.


  Baseball started back up again after we were at the soccer fields for awhile (Kent State vs UAB) so we just went back over, grabbed some cheeseburgers and went up to the top of the stands to watch the next game. What did Declan do? Oh, he grabbed my cheeseburger and ate it................what did I do? Go grab another one of course - what did Declan do? Oh he ate that one too. I'm always happy when eats big boy food so I let him go at it. My boy..................................he doesn't get those legs by being a picky eater! Don't kid yourself :)

Eating mommy's cheesburger like a gross little piggy :) 

2nd burger. Gone.

Oh thanks for pulling the burger away long enough from your mouth to smile, boog, I appreciate that.