We met Emily, Carl, and our new friends Kim and Kaylie down in Murrells Inlet at Brookgreen Gardens. If you are ever in this area you have to go its just beautiful. So we met them down there and headed to the zoo they have which is basically a huge nature area where they have inserted animals in their home environment and called it a "zoo". It's pretty cool and we basically just walked a couple miles thru the woods with three toddlers and one 4 week old :)
Or rather, they walked and held hands and us mommies walked behind taking pictures because they are really friggin cute...

We then walked up to the main gardens and had lunch at this cute little pavilion. The kids all did amazing and we sat for almost 2 hours eating, hanging, talking and watching the kids play with flower bushes and rocks - pretty sure the people that worked there were happy to see us leave.
All in all though it was an awesome day.... Carrig slept the first two hours in the Moby (turns out that is well worth it), ate lunch, played with Emily, then got back in the Moby and went to sleep again. Declan was super well behaved and was hilarious with Kaylie and Carl - he is getting more and more social with other kids and ohhhhh do I love watching the interactions.
I know tomorrow is gonna be rough because today was so great so for now I'll enjoy looking at pics from today! Yay!!!

Here's a wolf but Declan was sure it was a "wo wo" so he insisted i take a pic.

Em has two more months until her 2nd boy comes so she likes to practice with carrig :) and he loves her!!!!

Attempting a family pic.

Future wifey.

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