They both finally went down, both didn't sleep for long so i fed carrig again and got in the car figuring he would pass out and decky and I could go to the park. Sike. He yelled the whole time. The.whole.time. Ughhhhh.....
But oh well decky deserved some attention so we went to the park anyhow and I was holding c while some cute little girls were pushing d on the swing and he was having a blast. Apparently they were pushing too hard/high because he flew right off and landed smack on his face.

Blood filled mouth, nose and eye. Wonderful. Poor guy :( but he was a stud and kept playing and even had a race with a 6 and 9 year old boy. Needless to say, he did not win. But I was proud anyways :)
The day is far from over so wish me luck.
Here are the boys earlier. At least they love and are nice to each other even if they aren't nice to me....

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