Red eyes.....

First family photo

Blue face - the cord was wrapped around his neck so he was blue for about a day.........

GiGi got the first big poopy blowout! Lucky her!!

First hugs

We slept like this a lot the first....oh we still sleep like that

Declan was intent on pushing Carrig. Scared the nurses half the death. And mommy.

Mushy face

Daddy and Carrig

Warm enough for some naked gardening! My favorite butt on earth

Uncle Kenan came to visit!

The first week or so he was super gassy so he loved sleeping on his belly

First outing with both boys on my own. Success!! Carrig slept the entire time and decky was surprisingly well behaved. We went to target, wal mart and then brought lunch to Paul and had our first family lunch date!

The best was he was trying to make the noise that the pump makes :) mommys big helper!!

Big wide eyed buddy!!!

Mean muggin'

Smiles!!!!!! Or half side smiles :) but at 2.5 weeks I'll take it!

Daddy's twin. There is something very very special about seeing your husband handsome face in your baby.....

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