Ok so its currently 5pm on 3/20/12. Carrig, you are officially 3 weeks old my little love bug and here are some things that have been happening around here in your first weeks of life......
-well you are currently napping which is a miracle. and speaking of miracles, we purchased the miracle blanket yesterday (
miracle blanket on amazon) and who knows it could be a coincidence now that you are the big 3 weeks but you slept 6 hours straight last night in it and are now on your 2nd nap in it.
-speaking of naps, you're sooooo much like your brother. SO much. most babies (at least from what i've heard and read) just sleep and eat for the first 6 or so weeks of life. not declan. and not you. you are a live wire my friend and you are so much more like a 2 or 3 month old with your patterns. you have to actually be PUT to sleep. you eat, want to hang out for a bit and then you get tired but instead of just passing out wherever you are, you get pissy so we have been trying all the tricks up our sleeves to figure out how you like to sleep. sometimes you like your belly, you always hate to be swaddled but once you're locked in you seem to sleep really well........
-on this sleep note (i thought/hoped i'd be a little less anal about sleep this go round but alas, not the case), you seem to be a light sleeper. i will rock and sing to you but the minute i put you down, your eyes are wiiiiide open and you start screaming. same goes for in the car seat. if we go for a ride and you pass out, the minute we get you out you are up and crying. why??? why why why....as soon as i cuddle you though you literally sigh and relax. i do love that you love your mommy....
-you HATE, with a very serious passion, your car seat. unless you are sleeping in it, you are pissed the what what off. we will just keep working on that.....
-you LOVE, with a very serious passion, your mommy. i can't complain for a minute about this but it just means that i don't really get a break. its ok though. i know there will come a day when you want nothing to do with me so i will cherish the fact that up until now (could change tomorrow), i'm really the only one who can soothe you when you are upset.
-again, like your bro, you hate the swing and bouncy seats. of course everyone and their mother swears by these things but really all you want to do is be held. you and i haven't quite figured out what you would like to do during your "playtime" but hopefully we do soon because i cannot hold you 12 hours a day......
-thus, why along with the miracle blanket, we got the moby wrap (
moby wrap on amazon). my cousin's wife, kate, got this for merrill when she was little and swears by it and basically this is the only way you are really happy so i figured if i can strap your little behind to my chest than that's what i shall do
-you are allllmost breastfeeding exclusively. every once in awhile i have to supplement with an ounce of formula and always before bed i give you a bottle and pump instead just to get a break and give daddy a chance to feed you. you are doing much better than your bro on this, thank heavens, but i'm still not a very confident nurser so i question if you're getting enough, oh just about every other minute. the fact that you are a finickiy sleeper too makes me wonder if you are fussy because you are hungry.......we'll figure it out sometime in the next year! ;)
-i weighed you this morning in just your diaper and you were 9lbs 13oz. Chunky monkey!!
-you're ridiculously strong (and stubborn). you've been holding your head up from almost the day you were born. when you sleep on your belly you pick it up and move from side to side to get comfy. you also scoot like a crazy man. i put you in one spot on the couch and you always end up on the other side. which is pretty far to go for your age. ugh.....you will be crawling before i can blink my eyes.
-you've been out and about quite a bit and have mostly done well with it! hopefully you will remain fairly laidback about traveling (in the am mostly) because your big bro is on.the.go.........
-you are as handsome as could possibly be. i am not biased in the slighest.
-your cry is like a little pirate. when you are about to start you go "arrgggggghhhh"
-your big brother loves you SO much. he asks to hold you all the time and is CONSTANTLY coming over to rub your head, kiss and give you hugs. its the coolest looking thing.
alrighty that's all i've got little c-money. i have to get moving before you wake up again to eat but i love you so so so so much and i can't believe in another week you will be 1 month old. oh be still, my heart....