So just thought I'd give a little update on little buddy! What is he doing now? Ohhhh what is he NOT doing?
-He is walking EVERYWHERE - no crawling for this guy!
-He learned how to go down the stairs which is awesome and makes me feel a little (very little) bit better about not having the stairs blocked off all the time. Still would much prefer to go up and then throw himself down headfirst.....we're working on it.
-I think he's gonna be a basketball player. He LOVES LOVES LOVES any ball and tonight he was literally bouncing his big ball up and down. No kidding. He watches me do it and he always moves his hand in that motion but this time he added the ball!
-He is as strong as an ox. I don't know how else to put it. He's a monster and a little almost 30 inch ball of muscle.
-Likes to test me - he 100% understands what the word "no" means and before he does something he knows he shouldn't he looks back at me and as Paul terms it, gives me a "shit eating grin" - unbelievable. I have video..... Yesterday he was NOT supposed to be touching our Scentsy and he would just put his finger out, look back at me and point at it and go "oh" everytime I said "no" - which was a solid 10 minutes. Stinker. Smart stinker, but stinker.
-Getting better at feeding himself and drinking from a sippy cup. We might be a little behind on this, I still make most of his food and he will eat anything mashed up, but give it to him in big boy form, he just throws it on the ground. Weirdo - he's very much a texture guy.
-Definitely, his favorite food and he would eat it every day if I gave it to him, is a mix of edamame, peas and apples (yuck Declan!). That, and Nutra-grain bars!
-Says "mama" "dada" "baba" and "oooooooo"- the "baba" is a very versatile 11 month old word - bottle, banana, ball, etc etc etc
-Speaking of "oooooo" - I will get video and post it later but ohhhh myyyy goodness!!!! The kid and his blankey - he is absolutely obsessed and will not go anywhere without it. You try to take it away and you are gonna get it! The minute he sees it, the noise of pure love, "oooooooo", comes out and he buries his face in it. Hilarious - again, I'll get video!
-Last week we went to get his flu booster and had him weighed - 24 lbs, 12 oz. HOLY SMOKES.
-Loves reading and especially interactive books. Favorite is "Where is baby's pumpkin" - Thanks, Aunt Marie!!!
-LOVES other kids. Very social child. Over Christmas break our daycare lady took some time off so he was with Paul, Nana, Pop and myself - no kiddos. We went to dinner one night and across the room was a 2 year old that Declan couldn't keep his eyes off of and when we finally let him get down and walk he walked right over and started tugging on the 2 year old to get down and play with him. Declan was all smiles looking up at the kid who was looking back at him like he was crazy. Hilarious. But so typical.
-No clue if most kids are like this but he is very into taking things apart and putting them back together. He will take all the shapes out of his little box and then one by one put them back. He removes the silverware holder from the dishwasher and will sit there for 20 mins trying to figure out how to put it back in. Instead of eating his bagel this morning, he took each individual piece and put it in the hole where his sippy cup goes on his tray. He takes each article of clothing out of the laundry basket.......then puts them back one by one. Little engineer in the making????? Perhaps.
-Still loves the water. Also loves to poop in the tub which is awesome for me to clean up. Fave.
-Very cuddly, especially at night and first thing in the am when he wakes up. Also totally indulges me, holds my hand when we're in the car (maybe I shouldn't admit this) but I will reach my hand back and he will just hold it, look out the window and babble. Its like he is so content, holding mommy's hand and riding sweet. Melts my heart.
------------I'll have much more I'm sure in a month or so after his 1 YEAR APPT!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA :( My baby is almost a year old? What?????