This isn't the best example of it but just a start. I'll attempt more, don't you worry. And I know you were worried.
Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Friday, January 28, 2011
I've been trying to get video of Declan with his blankey............mainly because the noise he makes is the noise of true love :) And its hilarious. One of his little friend's at daycare, Lily, is a super sweet 3 yr old and every time I drop him off she says "Decky!!! Decky says "ooooooooooooooooooooo", referring to his "noise of love". Apparently now all the daycare kids are doing it when Tammy gives them their blankets for naptime. What a trendsetter we have on our hands.....