Phewweeeyyy. Closer and closer. We went to the doctor again today and got a great report! Cervix is all thinned out and ready to roll, dilated at a "loose 2" - I doubt I'll dilate much more until I'm actually really going into labor but its great to know my cervix is ready whenever little DB is. He has indeed dropped and she said his head is very low so again - YAY. He's being a very good boy.....
Dr Christensen ended our appt with a lovely little "see ya next week!" so I'm sure we'll be reporting next week as well on the baby IN the belly and not in our arms. Soon enough. Paul keeps telling me to be patient....................lets have him carry a child for 9 months and tell him to be patient right at the end ;) Easier said than done, my love, easier said than done...
Hope y'all are having a great week! We'll post again soon..............