..........and we're right where we were last week :) 1cm, 70% effaced. I could be here awhile.......My dad told me my mom was dilated at 3cm for three weeks with I believe me (but easily could have been one of my brothers) so until I feel some sort of contraction, we'll consider me pretty far away from delivering :).
This is all good news though! The longer the boy can stay in there, the better. My doctor wants me to get to at least 39 weeks so that's two more weeks.......once I get to 39 weeks she said everything would be perfect and ready to roll. Until then his lungs etc are still developing their last little bit so just gotta hang in there for a little bit longer!
So here is the lead in for my confession of due dates :) I think our due date is Feb 3rd, the doctor thinks its Feb 8th. Paul thinks it would be funny if he came Feb 14th. I don't.
Seriously though, the boy has always measured large and at our 20 week appt he measured out to be due Feb 3rd which was one of our original due dates when we first went to the doc, way back when. How they honestly determine these things, I don't know, but we had a couple - Feb 3rd, 8th and 10th. Well ever since that ultrasound I've gone with Feb 3rd and the doctor continues to stand by the Feb 8th date. I mean who does she think she is?!?!?!?!?!?! What, has she been doing this for 20 years or something?? ;) In any case, that would make me a little over 37 weeks right now so I reckon from here on out we'll go with her date. If he comes Feb 3rd though I'm going out to buy a lottery ticket IMMEDIATELY.
Alrighty well I hope this finds all of you doing GREAT and enjoying your week so far. xoxoxo