At three here is a little glimpse into your life:
The past year was rough. Terrible two's doesn't really do it are on the very high end of stubborn and strong willed so we had plenty of tantrums. Every single day. It makes me laugh/cry when I see some children/parents who complain about their children throwing A tantrum. Like they haven't in weeks. We had them every 30 minutes, every single day.....there was never a break. You.Are.A.BEAST.
You had a speech delay so we got you into therapy for about 10 months and you are now doing amaaaaaaazing. Seriously. You have the funniest sayings and some of the things that come out of your mouth make me laugh so hard. Not laugh like I'm being a sympathetic sweet mom trying to encourage her you are legitimately funny and make me laugh so hard. So happy for you that you have finally found your voice :)
Your eyes started crossing, found out you're super farsighted, got you in glasses, the glasses didn't work, so you had eye muscle surgery and now you are looking H-O-T-T!
You got diagnosed with asthma and food allergies (wheat, corn, peanuts and eggs). We've all kind of changed our diets to accomodate your allergies and are eating healthier. We got rid of traditional house cleaners and are going super green over here. Your bed and pillows are encased in dust mite covers (another allergy) and mommy vacuums a million times a week :) Phew - you are not high maintenance at all.
Speaking of eating/food, I'm so proud of you for how you have taken the allergy thing. You're young and I get that but STILL, there are plenty of kids that would go super super picky when given this but you've been pretty amazing and eat everythingggggggg......tons of veggies and fruits and gluten free breads and everything. You have an awesome diet and that is honestly something I'm so proud of you for. Please keep it up little dude...
On that note tho, I would say most of your fits involve food. You wanting your 732th snack of the day and me saying no. Its awesome.
You still sleep like a champion at night and have a good nap during the day. Teddy and your blankey are a must though - You are my routine boy.
You are very sensitive and extremely sweet - I will try to get a video of you with Maddie and Chopper (my parents dogs) but you are this very rare breed of 2/3 yr old boy who comes in really gently and slowly and just lays his head on the dog and gives hugs. You don't try to chase or pull them or hit or anything. You just cuddle. Its like you understand them.
When not throwing tantrums, you are this exact same way with me, daddy and Carrig. Just today you sat in my lap eating your lunch all the while hugging me. You wouldn't get out of my lap and you wouldn't let go.
You LOVE reading and there are plenty of times I will find you just in your room laying on your bed reading to yourself. You've memorized plenty of your favorite books so you "read" them to me and it is hilarious.
You're starting to learn your letters and what sounds they make.
You can count to 20 but usually need help after around 14 or 15. Sometimes you make it to 17 and then go back to 14. Special.
You love to sing your ABC's and you have figured out that it makes Carrig smile so whenever he cries you quietly go over and start singing to him and he 9 times out of 10....stops. I love you so.
When we are driving in the car your favorite is to ask me for different songs and then ask me what they are about. It makes me laugh you always say "mommy, i don't know this song about" so I have been having to get creative. You love a good story, even when its musical.
You love to color and do "special projects" - you are kind of artsy. Interesting, as I am NOT.
You are..............insanely physical. I think this was a large cause of your speech delay. You had no interest in sitting still and playing or learning. You just wanted to go and that's still a huge part of your personality. If its above freezing, we are outside jumping or riding bikes. If it is below or close to freezing, you are on the couches jumping :) (although you are wayyy better now at sitting nicely and playing or doing a project)
You are ALMOST totally potty trained. Nighttime is a bit of an issue but during the day you are doing awesome.
You are still fairly shy and reserved when first meeting people/seeing people again after awhile. I would not call you outgoing....
You are apparently a gem at school and I quote from your teacher "Declan is the most laidback kid I have ever been around" - HA!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my word. Anyone who has seen you at home would beg to differ. Glad you behave yourself tho and you have made some awesome awesome friends. I have gotten at least 6 emails from diff moms of your friends at school saying "oh ____ came home and told me they played with Declan today and that's the first time they have said another child's name!" Glad you are at least very pleasant there :)
Kidding kind of - you are beginning to show signs of leaving the terrible two's at home and I can't tell you how happy it makes me. You listen really really well and you, every once in awhile, are ok when I say "no" - you just move on to something else. Shocking, really....
You think daddy's job is the coolest thing ever. Or maybe its just the girls he coaches. Either way you get very excited when we go up to see daddy's games or practices.
You're definitely getting into watching sports on TV. Every time a football game is on you yell "GOOO IRISH". Every time a basketball game is on you yell "GOOOO DUKE". Daddy has trained you well.
You're a master con artist and pretty much every time I fall for your little (cute) tactics. as we are laying in bed reading books at night "mommy i not feel good...i need a snack" - that one doesn't work. we have to cut you off from drinking at night otherwise you pee over the whole entire bed (thru your pull up) so u just get ice chips at dinner...which you arent a fan of. "mommy i'm really spicy, i need a big water" - when you are eating broccoli. broccoli is not spicy. that didn't work either. there are a million but these are just from the last hour.
You weigh 39.5 lbs and are 38 inches tall. We went to the doctor yesterday for your 3yr appt and Carrig's 1 yr and its just funny to see the doctor look at your weight, get ready to lecture me because you weigh so much but then look at your body and realize you are just one large muscle. He was checking your hips and goes "ohhh mom look at these big legs!" - yes, I know. I have them myself.
Declan, I have lots of words for where you are right now in this life, but I honestly have no words to explain how much love my heart feels for you. When I look at you I see so much of myself which is kind of cool/scary, I see so much of your daddy which makes me love him more, but mainly I see this absolutely gorgeous, brilliant, fiery little fella who is unique and challenging. You keep everyone on their toes, and you make our lives 489032 times better than we ever could have imagined they would be. Happy 3 years my dearest. I'm so glad we made it :)

The was the pic your teacher sent me on your birthday at school - apparently u were very pleased with your Rice Krispie treats covered in pink icing.