I had a pretty gnarly time trying to get a picture of you today, Carrig. Gone are the days where u sit nicely and smile for mommy.....
Most of my pics are blurry but here were a few more I really liked:

I had a very hard time choosing u were still and so sweet :)

You are your brother's....brother. U sat and watched the trucks drive by for a very long time. (Translation - longer than 7 seconds)
All day today I was thinking back to exactly one year ago and what I was doing "at this moment". Right now, at almost 11pm, I was trying to fall asleep but had a baby that didn't want to be in a basinet and only wanted to be held. So I slept with you snuggled up against me in that tiny hospital bed all night long. In btwn boob time of course.
You started out your life attached to me my little buddy and I am happy to report nothing has changed. I love you so shockingly much, Carrig James. Our worlds changed (again) one year ago.....so much for the better.
Happy Birthday my sweet cuddle bug. You are crazy and we love you!
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