Looking gooooooooooood............

I am huge. So huge. I go Wednesday for my 36 week appt and I'm just sooo excited to get on the scale :)
All of it is good though - baby is getting bigger by the second and he moves like a maniac! I am still able to go on walks and chase decky around the playground pretty comfortably so I feel lucky. Sleeping is horrible - really really bad but I remember this being the same last time so nothing new unfortunately. I'll be interested to see if there is any movement in the dilation dept on Wednesday. As much as I want to hold on until 40 weeks I just dont know if it will happen - I think in the last few weeks this kid has grown so much and im as big now as I was at 40 with declan so we will see. Say some prayers that he and I hang in there.......
Until then, have sweet dreams about my massive belly button. I sure will.
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