I wrapped his hand up and then put this sock over in ATTEMPT to stop him from ripping open the blisters but that lastest about 2 seconds. He did think he was hotstuff though for those 2 seconds with his sock..............................
Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Thursday, October 27, 2011
Awhile ago, Decky got a sweet burn on his hand from the stove. We were making breakfast (I'm pretty sure just pouring cereal, should be fairly painless) but decky had turned on one of the burners without me knowing and then placed his hand directly on it. I literally heard it sizzle and then rip his skin as he took it off just as quickly as he had put it on. It was a pretty bad burn but he toughed it out like a champ, and he even learned a new word, "boo boo" :) it took a good two weeks for them to heal because the burns were smack on his hand, which he uses everything for.................so they would rip open almost daily and looked horrible but eventually they started closing up. Yuck - talk about learning a lesson the hard way.