I took decky there on Monday and oh my word. WE, yes we, had a friggin blast. The kid was in heaven.

First of all they have the downstairs which is a small aquarium and has a few kiddie science rooms. There is also the toddler playzone that I cant even explain but was so neat. They had this big water structure that Declan played with (and soaked himself) for about 30 minutes. Everything in there, while made for the toddler age group, was educational and I loved watching his mind work. I know he doesnt understand the ins and outs but just to see him kind of cataloging it away for the future was really cool - he was so intrigued.
Then upstairs is for the big kids but Declan was as much into that as he was the downstairs.
This was an example of the pulley system and while you are supposed to sit on the chair and pull yourself up, mommy had to help decky until a very cool little 10yr old boy came by and saved my arms :) it was actually two little boys and their mom. I asked if they were bros (yes) and if it was just the two of them (yes) and the mom looked at me like "you think I would try my luck a third time??" ;) I saw my future and I have to say it was pretty great. The three of them were so cute and having a genuinely good time together.

All in all, we had a super fun, interesting morning. If you are ever in Charlotte, you have to check out DP - you won't be disappointed. I wish I could explain it better but you will just have to go and see for yourself! :)
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