C and D

C and D

Friday, October 14, 2011

A couple belly pics:

I will try to do a better job of having Paul take these but usually by the time he's home I am looking a hot friggin mess and want nothing to do with my picture being taken. Go figure both of these were taken at the end of the day though, the second one after a long walk with Decky outside so I look reaaaaaaaaal good.

I feel so bad for baby #2 - this is his life. I was on top of everything with Decky.......I took a picture every week, documented his growth, read about what fruit he was this particular day etc etc etc. This one I'm lucky if I remember that I'm pregnant right before Declan jumps on my belly. Directly on the belly. I've remembered about 1 second before each time which gives me a half second to throw up the Heisman to my little boy.

Ugh.......I'll try to be better for you little pumpkin baby, I really will.........in any case, here is your mommy at week 19 and 20!

19 weeks

20 weeks

As you can see, the baby is everywhere. Declan went straight out so I thought I had a cute belly with him. Not so this go round........As if my hips weren't wide enough already, this little stinker just wants to span the whole width of my body making me look goooooooooooooooooood :) Love you little little buddy ;)