Who looks so sweet here with his blankie.......... Is realllllllllllly cruisin for a bruisin. He has THE most horrible scream on the planet. Like- it goes thru u like a knife. And he does it to get attention. Or when he's frustrated. Or just to piss me off. He literally does it right to my face after we have already been in timeout, after I've given him a spanking, after I put my hand over his mouth etc etc etc. I have no idea what to do anymore!!! Ugh...... Is it too soon to put soap in your childs mouth???? Seriously. He's gonna drive me crazy and he is just as stubborn as could be. Tonight I threatened no dinner and an immediate bedtime to which he screamed right in my face. He went right to his crib for awhile and screamed (cried, not the blood curdling scream) the whole time. When I got him out (because it was only 5pm) he gave me a kiss like a sweet little boy and went about his biznass. Until he screamed again 45 mins later and I told him it was time to go back into his crib and he ran in all excited. WTF???????? It is not supposed to be fun! Ugh..... Help!!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!