Declan Brady Hogan (2/11/10) - our first love and first born. His brother, Carrig James Hogan (2/28/12) just joined the team and we couldn't feel more blessed.
C and D

Saturday, September 24, 2011
Before bed a few nights ago.......
A few notes:
~we had been out and about playing with nana, pop, aunt Nancy and the boys that morning and didnt get back until early afternoon, way past his normal naptime so he went down later thus waking up later, like past 5 o'clock. So when it was time for bed this is what he looked like. Basically telling us to f right off :)
~nice daddy, undercutting your son
~apparently Declan liked it as he put pauls arm back down there at one point!
~gotta love the 1 second hugs
~goodnight for real :)
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