He's extremely hard working and dedicated to not only our family but also his new program! (where he is going to be fan-friggin-tastic!)
Is absolutely hilarious and makes me laugh harder than anyone else in my life.
Loves our little boy so very much - sometimes I worry he loves him more than me ;) but when I see the two of them together I feel like the world is alright. Right now, they are best friends, so I'll cherish these sweet little moments because I know when Declan's 15 and trying to get away with murder it will be quite a different story.
Knows how much I love to be surprised and even though I'm super antsy and try to anticipate when one might be coming, he's way better than me and did it again for Valentine's Day ;)
Is my better half - calm, confident, creative (three c's??) very happy-go-lucky, full of common sense and a man of great faith.
Is a much better chef than me even though he makes me cook all the time ;)
Gives really really REALLY good hugs - and usually knows just the right time to give them and stop giving me a hard time ;)
Is an unbelievably proud Irish Yankee man - so loyal to his upbringing and while I can't relate at all to the New York or Irish gig, I love how much he loves where he came from and I hope/know he will pass on this pride to our son.
Is above all, my very best friend in this world and there's no one I would rather walk thru it with. No one. And I mean that. He is so strong, so steady, so honest, so loving, so TRUE. I honestly feel like every day is Valentine's Day with him..........I love you baby. Happy Love Day - today and always.
My Yankee man with his city in the background........this is how I love to think of him and will ALWAYS think of him. Such a proud man :)