C and D

C and D

Saturday, December 11, 2010

ALWAYS with the blanket!

Over his head :) I go in every night and semi-stalk, semi-make sure he's ok and covered up/warm etc.......I just looooove watching him as he sleeps he's too sweet. Only problem is that I can't ever see him because no matter how we gave him his blanket for night night, he ALWAYS pulls it over his head and sleeps that way. Always.

Side note - he is really growing attached to his blankey and I should probably try to intervene because I'm getting worried that there will come a time that he will be a punk if he doesn't have it but for now, I love that he has something he loves so much and brings him so much comfort. Very cute to see how he snuggles himself all up in it and sighs, so content.

there he is!!!