My college roommate and her boyfriend wanted to do a mud run race and asked Paul and I to do it too. Uh.....YEAAAA!!!! It was a big boost for Paul and I to get our rears in shape, and just such a fun day when it came around. One of my favorite days so far in 2013 :)
It was the US Marine Corps Mud Run ( and it was bad.ass. 6.2 miles of crazy obstacles and a very very VERY large amount of mud. It was hard as klfdaewncdjaklrew but our team literally smiled and laughed the entire time. We had SUCH a blast. Couldn't have done it with 3 cooler people. Love them very much :)
This was paul the next day. Whooped would be an understatement......
The week after (holy how far behind on this blog am i???) it monsooned which is clearly the coolest thing ever for a little boy, and mine thought they'd go have their own little mud run:
And so do mommy and daddy :)