C and D

C and D

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cali crew

My aunt, cousins and grandparents came down to the beach last week and we had (I feel like I say this all the time), the best time. Really though ;) That side of the fam lives in San Francisco so our visits are very few and far between but always good for the soul. Always leave me wishing we lived down the street from them.....ugh!

It was a quick trip, they were only here for a few days but one of the days we spent the whole time at their hotel up by the beach and my boys thought they were in heaven. We beached it for awhile, came in for lunch, C took a nap with D went down with my cousins and uncle to the pool, I got to have 2.5 hrs of uninterrupted talk time with my amazing aunt, then C woke up and we beached it some more. My children are water babies to the max and while we "live at the beach", I think they would actually like to LIVE AT THE BEACH. They had so much fun....and it certainly helps that my cousins are cool and up for hanging with little dudes and my aunt and uncle are both hip and so fun

(btw, being a girl here, but how awful is that bathing suit???? thankful for these pics because they showed me how awful and stretched out that top is.....saggy boobs anyone??????? old navy outlet sale to the rescue...)

The next day they came to our house and we got to hang some more. Just love them and wish they didn't live so far away :( Hoping my cousin comes to college out East so my aunt will be FORCED to visit more often. And then Carrig and I will stalk them both :)

Kisses and hugs for Gammy. BTW - hearing your son call your grandmother the same name that you have your whole life will jerk at your heart strings. Or at least it does mine......
(isn't he so sweet *looking* sometimes????)