There are a number of different little things that Declan has done recently that might not be cool for anyone else, but moments I want to remember so on the blog they go......
I remember when I was younger how a hug from mommy or a kiss made everything better. Whether it was a skinned finger or a torn ACL, nothing made it feel better until my mom was there to MAKE it better. Decky is the same way...clearly mommy kissing your busted up knee does not heal the pain, but he stops crying immediately and I will say that's a pretty cool feeling to be able to be the one to "make him feel better" even if I'm really not doing anything medically, per se.
The other night Declan was giving me a hug and he looked at my face and said "uh oh, mommy boo boo....kiss boo boo" - it was a zit, but I really appreciate the thought.
A couple days ago we were having a tickle fest and my shirt came up in the back and he, again, said "ooohhhh mommy boo boo, kiss boo boo" and he kissed my...basically my butt. It was my tattoo, but as before, love the thought, Dec :)
I was feeding Carrig yesterday morning in our room and Declan came in to say hi and "nooo feed!!!" but once we talked about how Carrig needs breakfast just like Decky does, he was cool and was almost out the door when he saw some (dirty) clothes on the floor and without me saying A word, he came back in, grabbed them all up in his arms and went to throw them away in the laundry room. He's a clean FREAK. does nooooot get this from me.
Same idea, he spilled some water on the floor and immediately ran into the kitchen to grab a towel, ran back in and wiped it all up. I love it so much, its so cute to watch his mind work and kind of take care of his house the way he sees mommy and daddy do it.
We are NOT potty training but in the past week Declan has gone on the potty twice, all by himself - this is what it looks like:
**he climbs up and then holds on to the back, balances himself on his knees and lets loose. Talent.**
He got cake for doing this and so in his sweet 2 yr old mind, everyone should get cake and basically be thrown a party for going pee pee in the potty so a couple nights ago, right after Decky went, Paul went and Declan started cheering so loud and going "daddy cake, daddy cake!!!" hahaha!! Oh I love it. It was hysterical and yayyyyy for Paul! You're such a big boy, daddy!!!!!! ;)
I think that's it for now but I wanted to get these down happens, and I forget.
Love you, Declan Brady. So much.