Is the absolute bain of my existence. Declan has always had really sensitive skin and he's ALWAYS been super prone to get bad diaper rash. He usually gets it when he's cutting teeth. Or when we visit my parents (something in the water does nooot agree with him there, its like almost immediate). Or when he's had an extreme amount of fruit and sits in a poopy all night long (talk about a burn.....). Or apparently now after ice cream and candy on Halloween.
I really don't know what in particular caused this current case but yesterday what came out of his rear end was just horrible and he had a good case going into bed last night and woke us up screaming bloody murder at 245am this morning. Poor fellow. Oh I just felt so horrible. His butt was literally glowing in the dark. The way he wretches away from you when he sees a wipe is just enough to make me cry....its so sad and little buddy has gotten pretty much whatever he wanted today. I have not lost my temper once, not raised my voice, not put him in time out, nothing. He is walking around like he just got off a 24 hour horsie ride and is in so much pain :( It kills me. So mommy is being extra nice and understanding. For today....
Reason #48392 why I can't wait until he is potty trained :) Which will probably be 4 years from now but whatevs.