-He kisses EVERYTHING. seriously. tonight he kissed the water in the shower. when he says "bye bye" (which we have to do in order to avoid a serious meltdown) to something he wants to kiss and give it a hug so tonight, in the shower, when we were done, he said "bye bye wawa" and leaned in for a hug and a kiss. hilarious and beyond cute to watch.
-He is full on in the terrible 2's. i'm scared for what's ahead, truly. he has a really bad temper and is more than willing to show it to you. very stubborn and VERY into asserting himself and what he wants/feels like he needs :) we have so so so many talks per day about not screaming, not throwing things, not hitting our heads against the sofa etc that it is really exhausting.
-along these lines - i am learning just how important it is to be CONSISTENT. again, with all the talks we have a day it would be so easy to skip one or just give up for a little bit (which i want to do a lot, trust...) but i do see tiny bit by tiny bit him improving............so that means hopefully by the time he's 16 he won't be throwing himself against the wall when I say "no buddy, we already watched the elmo song today".
-along THOSE lines - he LOVES elmo. love love love. he doesn't watch tv, he just doesn't sit still long enough but on youtube there's an elmo alphabet song that's about 2 mins long and he looooooooves. he asks for "melmo" a minimum of 15 times per day.
-he knows his colors and the best way to test him is to ask about..................trucks! he can tell you all the colors on all his trucks which is very cool. "wewwo (yellow), booooo (blue), raaaa (red), geeen (green)"
-he also loves to draw circles. well he loves to draw, period, but he likes circles and anything with a circle he will trace with his finger
-he has a crazy weird memory and i don't know if most kids or like this or what BUT my dad has a photographic memory and i'm kind of thinking decky does too.
-super into horsies ("neighs") right now
-humongous mama's boy. and i do love it, really i do, but sometimes mama needs a break!!!! yesterday morning paul got up with decky and let me sleep.........for about 2 minutes until i heard declan crying "mama.....mama........MAMA". paul also was going to put him to bed last night and decky looked at me and stuck his lip out and started his fake crying. haha. oh my gosh i mean it was so cute but a) he was faking and b) he was fine the second he was out of the room. good try, buddy.
-such a big boy. doesn't even sit in his booster anymore, he sits in a real chair, uses real utensils, doesn't let me feed him a thing. i also haven't fixed him a kiddie version of our dinner in weeks like sometimes i would do in the past, he's just eating whatever it is mommy felt like cooking for that night!
-still the light of our lives. as hard as somedays are right now, and as ornery as he can be, inevitably by bath time he is a little gem and watching him run around naked, cuddling with him with his teddy bears and reading, singing right before bed, its like you forget what the day held.............no matter how frustrating :) he has a charm about him that will dangerous as he gets older. love my boy. love love love love looooove.