C and D

C and D

Friday, September 30, 2011

Paci freak

I do not, in any way, shape or form, look forward to breaking him of this habit. Ugh........yuck!

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Swimming in late September:

Declan and I went down to the pool the other afternoon and he had a blast. He is getting so good at "swimming"!!! He was even standing on the last step and instead of just jumping/proceeding to drown, he actually was putting his face in, pushing off and moving his arms and legs. Still kinda drowning, but not as badly :)

Here's the happy kid after our swim sesh.

Ps - his other favorite pool activity is having me get out, hold him tight, run and then jump in the pool together. It's
Probably horrifying to my 70 year old neighbors but decky loves it and squeals he gets so happy :) Which means I love it.

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Declan and I (i was purely there to clean up) made Paul a painting a few weeks ago that he has proudly hung in his office:

And the other day Paul asked if decky could make him another one......

So we did :)

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little hogan -

If you turn out to be a girl, I think I just came up with your name. I don't know if your daddy likes it but I just texted it to him (he's on the road) but told him not to respond hastily as I really like it :) ahhhhhhh. We will find out so soon!!!!! Suspense is killing mommy!!

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This pregnancy....

Well I'm currently sitting here eating pickles. So cliche, I know...........but really I am. Its Paul's fault - he got them. Not me :)

So this pregnancy has been interesting. So interesting. Everyone who's had multiple pregnancies has told me "oh every pregnancy is different" but I didn't see how that would be possible. I mean growing a baby is growing a baby and growing Declan was pretty flippin' easy. I'm healthy, active, young, what could really be so tough and different. Oh Lordy....................from about 5.5 weeks (I remember the day exactly, it was a Wednesday and I was working and got this horrible overwhelming feeling that I needed to vomit) until about 16 weeks I have felt horrible. Super tired, huge, terribly nauseous, could only eat peanut butter and nutella sandwiches....I mean, it was not good. I told my husband and mom probably 48309 times that I will not have another child after this. Feeling so bad and trying to take care of a really energetic toddler is beyond hard and I can't really imagine feeling like this again but taking care of TWO children. I'm sure that tune might change but.......not anytime soon :)

In any case, like I said, Decky was a breeze. I felt sick for maybe 3 or 4 weeks but I was able to keep it under control. Once those weeks were over, I felt like a new woman. A beautiful, pregnant woman. This has been different in that A) I've felt God awful but B) I started showing literally at like 6 or 7 weeks and didn't feel ok for about 3 months so feeling fat and vomitty is not really all that cool.

All of this to say - I'm pretty sure we're having a girl :) We will find out on Tuesday at 10:45am (who's counting?) but I am 99% sure this is a female fetus. Obviously we'll be updating as soon as we tell our families but if anyone has any great girls names with lots of meaning feel free to pass them along.

I'll post some pics of the belly later once I get them off my phone but I guess if there's one good thing that's come of this is that my boobs are HUGE (oh...too much info than you were looking for tonight!? :) ) This afternoon Decky and I were on a walk and we were going to end up at the pool so I just had my bathing suit top on instead of a sports bra and my boobs were going everywhere. I'm so not used to that but I have to say I love having bigger boobs! I can only imagine when my milk comes in how big these suckers will get................................Paul will be so disappointed when they go back to normal ;)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daddy and Decky

For Paul's birthday this year I wanted to do something a little different............he is FOREVER the thoughtful and creative one of us so I thought I would try to play his game. I will never be Paul but this might be as close as I come:

1) I love Macs. They make it so so so easy (relatively speaking) to make some pretty cool gifts. We've done our Christmas cards for the past two years on the Mac, Paul's made me some pretty sweet books on there, we've done a few calendars for our families and Paul has made numerous videos of special moments in our lives.....................thus why I wanted to try to make him one for a change.

2) It took me a full week to finally figure it all out. I knew in my head what I wanted to do but getting the songs/pics to line up and in movie form and then burn it to a DVD proved fairly challenging for a computer illiterate chic like me. Thankfully Paul was gone from Thurs-Sun on a road trip so I had lots of time to figure it out.

3) I got lucky. Really really lucky. I married not only a pretty phenomenal husband who has time and again proven to be my greatest love, but he's also turned out to be a ridiculously great father. And the song (make sure you turn your music up!) that first comes on makes me think of him every single time I hear it. Decky now will even sign "more please" when he hears it because he loves it too :) Family is the most, bar none, important thing to Paul on this planet and he shows both Declan and I that daily. We don't have a ton, probably never will (I should have gone into accounting like the rest of my whole entire family ;) ), but I can say we are as genuinely happy as I can imagine one family being. And that is in HUGE part to Paul - he is the epitome of a "family man" and we love him so so so so.........

4) Here's the video :) Watch/listen to the "large" version if your computer allows:

Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Before bed a few nights ago.......

YouTube Video

A few notes:

~we had been out and about playing with nana, pop, aunt Nancy and the boys that morning and didnt get back until early afternoon, way past his normal naptime so he went down later thus waking up later, like past 5 o'clock. So when it was time for bed this is what he looked like. Basically telling us to f right off :)

~nice daddy, undercutting your son

~apparently Declan liked it as he put pauls arm back down there at one point!

~gotta love the 1 second hugs

~goodnight for real :)

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Thursday, September 22, 2011

A video from Declan Brady:

YouTube Video

That is correct. February 27th is the date. Declan was born february 11th. Lord help us :)

I will post more but I'm hoping this video works for now..... I've been having troubles with it but we took this yesterday in hopes I could follow up the house post. You can't see my belly in the pic below but trust me, it's huge. For only being 18 weeks along. This go round has been different on so many levels that it's shocking. Thus my assumption this little booger is a chic!!!!!!!!!! We shall see :)

More posts and pics later. Holler at me!

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our REAL first house :)

Today we went by to see the house we are in the process of purchasing! We are closing on October 20th and can't WAIT to get in it! Pauls mom took a lot of pics so I will post those soon but for now, we are so excited to be buying our real first home together. Colorado was really more Pauls house - this one will be decky, mommy, daddy and little baby hogans house :) (more on that later!!!!)


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Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Your eyes are killer, Declan. You will get many girls with those my dear. Too bad mommy won't let you ever go out with one. At least until you are 43.

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

2 pics


This child is not mine. He looks too old. And skinny. And mature. And sweet. And innocent. And calm. Definitely my child.


This child, however, is definitely mine :) or at least the one I am much more used to seeing on a daily basis.

Love you crazy.

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Decky and Levi...

Are really paying good attention to the books the librarian was reading today at "tumbling tots"..................

Uh huh...........

There was a motorcycle outside that was way more interesting. Boys.

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Decky Dance

You have to wait until the end of the video for it but I think it's worth it :) in the meantime he is fascinated with the toaster............his favorite new word is "woahhhhhh".

Love him love him love him.

YouTube Video

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Do u think the child likes bubbles??

YouTube Video

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Boy boy boy!!

Goes right to the dirt. So pleasant....

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!


"senior year posed pic super fake smile"

"'guess who" old man face"


- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

If this laugh doesnt warm your heart:

Then you, my friend, do not have one.

YouTube Video

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

So big......

I'm fresh off a "reading/singing to Decky before he goes down for a nap" sesh and as I was sitting there rocking him singing in my amaaaaazing voice "twinkle twinkle little star" I started tearing up because I realized how big he is now. Like physically, big. He was draped over me, head on my shoulder, arms resting on each side of his little big body and legs going in all different directions. And he was more than halfway down my body. I had his huge kid laying on me and I couldn't help but venture back in my mind almost 19 months ago where he was tiny enough to lay on my chest. All curled up so that he literally only took up the space from my neck to about halfway down my stomach.

This growing up thing is absolutely remarkable. And causes me to become extremely emotional at verrrrry inopportune times. I know have to call my realtor and discuss the offer we put in yesterday on a house but all I want to do is cry and curl up with my baby in bed and snuggle for the next......................58 years.

I love you, Decky.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Taking a well deserved break

Mowing the lawn is tough work for an almost 19 month old!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

This child of mine....

Who looks so sweet here with his blankie.......... Is realllllllllllly cruisin for a bruisin. He has THE most horrible scream on the planet. Like- it goes thru u like a knife. And he does it to get attention. Or when he's frustrated. Or just to piss me off. He literally does it right to my face after we have already been in timeout, after I've given him a spanking, after I put my hand over his mouth etc etc etc. I have no idea what to do anymore!!! Ugh...... Is it too soon to put soap in your childs mouth???? Seriously. He's gonna drive me crazy and he is just as stubborn as could be. Tonight I threatened no dinner and an immediate bedtime to which he screamed right in my face. He went right to his crib for awhile and screamed (cried, not the blood curdling scream) the whole time. When I got him out (because it was only 5pm) he gave me a kiss like a sweet little boy and went about his biznass. Until he screamed again 45 mins later and I told him it was time to go back into his crib and he ran in all excited. WTF???????? It is not supposed to be fun! Ugh..... Help!!

- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!