Lots to update on but the long and short of it is that our house in Colorado got about 50 showings and not one offer up until 3 weeks ago. In two days we had an offer and were then under contract set to close on 6/22.
On the flip side we had just assumed the house we were renting in Conway would let us go month to month just for a month or two until we found a place. Not the case - will write about that later so decky and I drove about 200 miles last weekend looking at houses because at that point we were going to have to set a world record on closing in co/finding a house in SC/closing on that in about 30 days...
And this is what Declan thought about that. I don't know how many grapes and bananas I fed him last weekend to keep him from going crazy but he earned t sitting in his seat for so long just driving and getting lost with mommy.
- Posted on the run using BlogPress from my iPhone - because chasing a toddler all day does not leave time to sit on a computer and blog!