C and D

C and D

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Like father like son...

We had Declan's 6 month appt this past Wednesday and the following are his stats:

Length: 26 inches - 25%ile
Weight: 18lbs 8oz - 50%ile
Head: 44.45cm - 50-75%ile

The following are Paul's stats at 6 months:
Length: 26 inches
Weight: 18lbs 9oz

WHAT?!?!?!?! Hilarious - little buddy is tracking right with his daddy! Very cute and I know Paul loves that for the time being, he has a little "mini me" - I'm sure next visit will be completely off but very cool to think that Declan and his daddy, at 6 months of age, were the exact same size. Genetics, I tell ya.

Side note - we got more vaccinations this go round and while I was expecting the worst, Declan surprised me again. He has always done well with them but we've had to in the past give him some Tylenol at night because he was a fuss-pot and hurting a little bit. This time, I brought the Tylenol with because the dr said on the third round they usually are a little fussier and it bothers them more than previous go-rounds. Not this kid! He cried for about 5 seconds then got back to his flirt session with this nurse. Came home, took a 3 hour nap, ate a good dinner then slept all night and woke up the next day peachy! PHEW! We have one tough cookie! Atta baby :)