C and D

C and D

Saturday, August 28, 2010


While we weren't able to spend the day lounging as a family (sounds heavenly....maybe in December ;)  ), it was pretty much par for the course for what our life is like these days :). Declan woke up happy as a clam, we played for about an hour and a half, Declan went down for his nap, I did work around the house and Paul went off to CU for his pregame breakfast and first regular season game vs Wyoming (which they won thank HEAVENS!!!) A couple of our good friends came over after the game and we just hung out on the deck, took lots of pictures, laughed at Declan and just all in all enjoyed a beautiful Colorado night together. Baby, I hope you had a wonderful first birthday as a father! You are the absolute greatest.........
      Here are a couple pics we snapped along the way :) Declan's latest and greatest trick is to stick his tongue out straight down and wag it like a puppy.........all.the.time. No clue where this is coming from but its hysterical so here ya go.

Josh and baby Deco! hung out like this most of the game

Declan loooooves him some puppy!

Aunt Trace Face and that dang tongue!

One of my favorite faces

Tired of the pics, mom seriously, enough......

Chowing on some pizza - yes, chowing. He loved......what's new, Declan likes food.....

The tongue in action: