C and D

C and D

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daddy and Declan, sitting in a tree :)

They love each other and they are just two little peas in a pod. Very cute. Never gets old. Never.

Daddy teaching his son some awesome tricks that mommy loooooooves 

Two cute for words

Crazy man!

No wine for you!

Like father like son...

We had Declan's 6 month appt this past Wednesday and the following are his stats:

Length: 26 inches - 25%ile
Weight: 18lbs 8oz - 50%ile
Head: 44.45cm - 50-75%ile

The following are Paul's stats at 6 months:
Length: 26 inches
Weight: 18lbs 9oz

WHAT?!?!?!?! Hilarious - little buddy is tracking right with his daddy! Very cute and I know Paul loves that for the time being, he has a little "mini me" - I'm sure next visit will be completely off but very cool to think that Declan and his daddy, at 6 months of age, were the exact same size. Genetics, I tell ya.

Side note - we got more vaccinations this go round and while I was expecting the worst, Declan surprised me again. He has always done well with them but we've had to in the past give him some Tylenol at night because he was a fuss-pot and hurting a little bit. This time, I brought the Tylenol with because the dr said on the third round they usually are a little fussier and it bothers them more than previous go-rounds. Not this kid! He cried for about 5 seconds then got back to his flirt session with this nurse. Came home, took a 3 hour nap, ate a good dinner then slept all night and woke up the next day peachy! PHEW! We have one tough cookie! Atta baby :)


Declan's learning to smile better for the camera - take the next 89302 photos for example. After he finished his bottle we were cuddling and I took out the camera to take some self photos - he was a smilin' fool and didn't even need prompting! That's my boy!!!


Look at that chunky kid - I just want to eat him up!!!!

Excuse me in this picture - he is just so damn cute so had to post


While we weren't able to spend the day lounging as a family (sounds heavenly....maybe in December ;)  ), it was pretty much par for the course for what our life is like these days :). Declan woke up happy as a clam, we played for about an hour and a half, Declan went down for his nap, I did work around the house and Paul went off to CU for his pregame breakfast and first regular season game vs Wyoming (which they won thank HEAVENS!!!) A couple of our good friends came over after the game and we just hung out on the deck, took lots of pictures, laughed at Declan and just all in all enjoyed a beautiful Colorado night together. Baby, I hope you had a wonderful first birthday as a father! You are the absolute greatest.........
      Here are a couple pics we snapped along the way :) Declan's latest and greatest trick is to stick his tongue out straight down and wag it like a puppy.........all.the.time. No clue where this is coming from but its hysterical so here ya go.

Josh and baby Deco! hung out like this most of the game

Declan loooooves him some puppy!

Aunt Trace Face and that dang tongue!

One of my favorite faces

Tired of the pics, mom seriously, enough......

Chowing on some pizza - yes, chowing. He loved......what's new, Declan likes food.....

The tongue in action:


Saturday, August 21, 2010


As anyone who knows Paul and I knows we looooove food and cooking and eating and watching cooking shows etc etc etc - anything that has to do with the culinary world, we love :) Last year Paul had an awesome idea to do a Top Chef competition with his CU girls and it went so well they upped the ante this year and went for it again! Here are some pics from a couple nights ago....
    Team Mexico came out on top but let me tell you, we had Team Italy cooking for 4 hours at our house and not only did the house still smell good the next day but I had the leftovers for lunch the next two days and it was deeeeelightful. These little hot chicas can cook! Continues to amaze me how talented these young women are, and Paul is SO lucky to be able to work with them on a daily basis. Being a college athlete, you are asked to do much more than the normal college student and they excel and really seem to thrive in this setting. These girls are pretty special and we always talk about how awesome it is to be able to bring Declan up around such a phenomenal group of people. Our family away from family :)
    Side note, little Deco loved him some guacamole from Team Mexico - not sure but his vote might have put them over the edge.......................... ;)

Big Winnas!

Bonjour Shayelyn ;) Team France!

Team Greece - Baklava was ridiculous!

GO AMERICA - I might have eaten every deviled egg they made.......good work ladies

GO ITALY!!! Minor chaotic beginning but I still love ya ;)

Declan and Aunt Twacy!!!!

happy boy with miss maggi steury!

hanging with daddy

Sliding with Kate :)

A little Saturday afternoon petting zoo

Why not? Right up the street from our house today there was a little festival shakin' down and there was a petting zoo that Paul and I thought might be fun to take Declan to. He LOOOOVES dogs and always gets a kick out of playing with them so we figured this would be right up his alley. Turns out he was way more into the other kids that were there and not so much the animals. Go figure. Our little social butterfly......

Smiling at the girl who was telling us about the donkey rather than actually checking out the donkey....

mmmm not sure about this

yea, dad, seriously........let's get on with it already, I wanna check out the girls here

Petting the cow that makes the milk that he's allergic to. awesome!

....aaaaaaaaaand we're crawling

I can't hardly believe it. This was not supposed to happen so soon!!!! He's been getting up on all fours since my parents were out here and slowly but surely he's been trying to figure out how this crawling business works and finaalllllly yesterday he really started moving and he hasn't stopped since! He's got the tummy shuffle down! Currently we're rocking the army crawl, just waiting for when he REALLY gets moving. We're already in massive trouble as he's a little wild man, super determined and extremely focused............as you can see. He wants nothing to do with me, just wants to get to his toys and he wants to get there NOW. 

A little bit of the build up:

hi mommy.........I'm too cute to get in trouble.................right?!?!?!?!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Uncle Kenan's clothes!

My brother sent Declan some awesomeeeeeee clothes last week and we've been sportin' the duds ever since! Thanks to Kenan our little man is super stylish. We've gotten lots of comments on his clothes and its all my brother so thank you Nanner. We love you!!!!

Obvi Kenan had to get some red in there........and we popped the collar on his polo - duh!

Mama Yo Yo and her favorite boy!

My fave

Look at that happy kid! I tell ya......too fun!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

mmmmmmmm CARROTS!

Trying out the mohawk again........kid's got a little more hair these days

Some recents vids

Little buddy wants to crawl! This is 8/11/10 - 6 months!

--this one you have to wait it out because he really gets going the farther you get into the vid :)


Oh my word - I admit - I teared up a few nights ago just thinking about this little kid. 100%, I cannot believe that it has already been 6 months. Our lives have not been the same since February 11th, 2010 but there is absolutely NOTHING we would change. He has such a personality, brings so much joy and I can no longer remember what my life was like before this. It feels like we've had him forever....... I can't believe its only been 6 months.........I will say that for the rest of my life, the number will just continue to rise.

   So - what's the little kid doing these days. What ISN'T he doing????

-Holding his own bottle and feeding himself
-Eating tons of solids and liking them all. Faves would definitely be bananas and carrots but he downs some nasty looking green beans like a champ. Everytime we eat too we give him a little taste and he loves it all. So far he's had some bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pears, applesauce, enchiladas, lots of salad, REAL green beans, little carrots, brown rice with some hoisin sauce, blueberry muffin, guacamole, parmesan and garlic chips (HE LOVES) and a little blue cheese burger. So far so good on the eating front which is so exciting to me...........we don't want no picky eaters!!!
-Starting to crawl. Paul wants to mark down yesterday as the first day he crawled but I'm not ready to call it - he's doing the caterpillar right now. Keep truckin' buddy.
-Sleeping 11-12 hours at night and taking 2 or 3 good naps every day. We are SO beyond lucky with this part of life.......he's been a phenomenal sleeper from day 1 and with a little help from mommy and daddy he's really gotten into a great schedule.
-Super ticklish on almost every part of his body.
-LOVES to have his feet kissed :) And I love to kiss them :)
-Water maniac - even watering the plants he's zoned in and puts his hands and feet out so I can spray them. Baths are awesome, pools he loves.............everything. Little water baby.
-He's really starting to respond so that we can "sort of" reason with him. Feeding is usually the most stressful time because he's a freak and is obsessed with his bottle or bowl of food BUT luckily we've been able to talk to him and things like "I have to shake it up buddy" or "mommy's going to feed you, see (show the bowl)" will calm him down and he will wait until we give it to him. We're now going to work on "please" and "thank you" :)
-He is unbelievably social. He smiles at EVERYONE, gives hugs and kisses, loves to be held, always reaching for new people and wanting to play. Its wonderful to see this part of his personality.........he's just SO happy, makes my heart melt
-That said, he's got a temper and will get hot in a minute so watch out! No clue who he gets that from.......PAUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. Its ok, he's also got Paul's incredibly happy, friendly disposition :)
-He has his first girlfriend.....and luckily, mommy and daddy both approve. Our next door neighbor has a baby who's 11 days older than Deco and they play all the time together. Last time I went to pick him up, they were holding hands. A time before that, I said, "Declan, give Abby hugs and kisses, we're going bye bye" and he reached his arm out, caught her shirt and pulled her in for a big one :) Too cute
-Hoping he's starting to grow out of his milk allergy as I stopped nursing two weeks ago and the formula we have to get for him is RIDONKULOUSLY expensive. We'll talk to the dr when we go in for his 6 month appt
-No clue how much he weighs but I'm guessing around 17lbs - the lady at the grocery store lovessss her some Declan and everytime we're there she wants to hold him - she thinks he's 18 or 19 lbs - chunky monkey but again, we'll let ya know!
-Been teething for a few months now but we've got NOTHIN'! Good gracious I hope these things come in soon. He's a drooling fiend who puts everything in his mouth and chomps but still, nothin'

All in all, we just feel so very blessed to have this happy, social, beautiful healthy baby boy. I know we got lucky with him and I'm almost afraid to jinx it and try for number 2. He is just perfect. I love him more than I ever thought possible (and I thought I could love a lot) and there are times I wonder if I could even love a second child. Maybe that's stupid and sounds terrible but its just honestly how I feel. I look at him in awe. It never gets old......never. Mommy and daddy's little buddy.....................we just love you so much, Declan Brady.

What will the next 6 months hold I wonder.................................................

Flirty boy

look at him giving me the eye...........................................he's a flirty little boogar! DANGEROUS!

GiGi and PopPop!

We.Are.So.Lucky. There's no if ands or buts about it. Paul and I had planned originally to try and head East for a little visit this summer but for many reasons (mainly we couldn't figure out a time we could both be there for more than 3 days together and a 3 day trip to the East Coast with a 5.5 month old is no bueno) so we threw out the idea of taking a trip (just the two of us ahhhh!!!) and asked my mom if she would come out to watch Declan. She didn't think twice and so Paul and I got away while my mom and son had some serious quality time together - everyone wins :) 
  In any case, my mom continues to just amaze me. She didn't miss a step - I couldn't believe it. She hasn't had a baby in 17 years and within about 5 minutes being with Declan, they were BFF. There is no doubt that he feels a connection with her and its so beautiful to watch. I can't think of a better word, sorry if it sounds cheesy :) But truly, the two of them just look at each other and smile and they're hearts are bonded. Maybe he remembers that GiGi held mommy's hand for 8 hours straight while she tried to get him out................and she was one of the first people on this earth to hold him in her arms. Either way, I love to watch them together and while I certainly missed Declan, he had one heckuva long weekend with his GiGi. If only those could be more often...................................
   Making it even better, my dad flew out on Saturday morning to spend some time with his grandson. I could not WAIT until my dad could see Declan again because he hadn't seen him since he was about 5 days old and hollyyyyy smokes has he changed since then :) My dad is so in love with Declan, it makes me melt. Again, we are so lucky to have them in our lives. I love you so much, mom and dad, and Declan loves you too. I can't wait to see you three together for the years to come.........

 ---we didn't even plan that - like father like daughter....................what's new