So I will admit, I'm a freak about Declan's sleep and him getting enough during the days/nights and what seemed to be working for awhile was the swaddle - aka the straight jacket. It was beginning to become a bit of a nightmare though because he's a strong stinker and the only one who could swaddle him as tightly as he needed to be so he couldn't get out was Paul and Paul isn't around all the time to do that! When we have people watch him or if it was just me it seemed he would get out and wake himself up and not sleep - finally our awesome daycare provider, who was also having serious troubles with the swaddle decided to forego the swaddle and see how he did and the first time he slept 2 hours for her (by far a record at daycare) so ever since then we've been mastering the art of the no swaddle and he's been doing GREAT. Surprises me every day :) He's just getting better and better and older and older..............
The Swaddle:
The No Swaddle: still extremely comfortable boogar
5 minutes later: out like a light
And just in case you're wondering what Declan's sleeping in, its probably the best baby gift we've been given to date (thank you GiGi!) Its called the "Snuggle Me" and that's exactly what it does - Declan's slept in it every single day since we've been home - the first week he slept in our bed with the trench but after that first week he's been sleeping very soundly in his crib, in his trench. The link is below just in case you are looking for something like this yourself or just looking for a great baby gift. It's BIGTIME and I would highly recommend it to anyone with a newborn.....